Healthy living: 5 ways to achieve it

Living a healthy lifestyle should be one of the main concern in our life. Healthy lifestyle leads to healthy body and then to a happy life with lower risk of getting chronic diseases. However, bear in mind that it is not easy to live a healthy lifestyle, it required continuous efforts. Let's go through 5 ways that we can try in order to achieve a healthy living.

1. Eat on time
Eating on time has many benefits such as avoid you from eating excessively, reduce the risk of getting gastritis and most important thing, keep you energized. As a good practice, you can try to set your eating time for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Make sure you follow the timing, don't put more time on planning but put more time on the execution of the plan instead.

2. Take breakfast
Maybe some of you like to skip breakfast either because you don't have time for breakfast or you don't have appetite to eat early in the morning but now you should start to take your breakfast. This is because breakfast provides energy for you to start your day as you are fasting the whole night when you are sleeping. It also help you to boost your metabolism which is crucial in maintaining a normal body weight.

3. Get enough sleep
You may not realize that sleep is very valuable until you reach certain point in life where you rarely can have high quality sleep and you don't really have time to get enough sleep. For me, it is best for us to get 8 hours of sleep but if cannot, 6-7 hours also should be okay. But remember don't sleep too much.

4. Eat more fruits and vegetables
Since primary school we learn that fruits and vegetables is good for our health, but some of us still don't like to eat them. You should stop giving excuses that you do not eat fruits and vegetables because you do not like their taste. Try to find a way of food preparation that can suit you. If before this you always being forced to eat fried vegetables and sliced fruits, it is good to try consume them in the form of juice.

5. Manage stress level
As a human, it is normal for us to have stress in life. The difference is that the stress levels might be varied. When we talk about health, physical health always cross our mind. Starting from today, we should change that perception because mental health is also an important component in health. I know that it is impossible to eliminate the stress but it is possible to reduce and maintain the stress level within the normal range. If you have a problem, do not keep it to yourself. Instead of keeping the burden, you are suggested to share you problem with others. Maybe they can help you to solve it or at least make you feel better.  

All the ways discussed above are only some of the efforts that you can do to achieve a healthy living. However, they do not guarantee that you will not get any chronic diseases. It only serves as your efforts because prevention is better than cure. Only you can make changes in your life, so you should start to live a healthy lifestyle now.

Today quote: It is easier to make changes than to maintain the changes that have been made.
