MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY: Comparing yourself with others

We cannot run away from making comparisons in our life. We compare price and quality before buying an item, compare our examination result with our friends and many more. However, until what extent we can do all the comparisons? Is it good for us to compare our life with others?

Comparing your life with others has its own pros and cons. The good thing is that you may be more motivated to achieve your ambition when you see other people' s success. For example, observing the success of a businessman can inspired you to start your own business. Besides, we always heard that many successful businessman are not from a rich family. They live in poverty during their childhood and they decided to change their life when they look at others who can live in luxury.

Apart from that, comparing ourselves with others might make us work harder to  improve our academic achievement or working performance. When we see someone get best student award or best employee of the year award, somehow we will be triggered to work hard in order to get the award also. Why is it so? This is because as a human we tend to compete with other people and want to have more good things compared to others.

However, if you cannot handle your acceptance in a proper way, you might be less motivated when you compare yourself with others. For instance, you may feel demotivated when your friend who do not really study get better grade than you. Sometimes you feel unfair because you study everyday but you still do not get A but you do not know if your friends actually really work hard because they might study when you are sleeping at night. 

Other than that, you may lose what you have when you are busy to acquire what others have. This is a common thing in our life especially to those who are busy to find money for you family. Some people spend a lot of time to grow their business because they want to give the best for their children. They want their children to live in a more comfortable condition and have better life than them. However, this may cause them to miss the chance to see their children grow up in front of them because they leave their children with the maid. Therefore, in this situation we can see that sometimes we have to sacrifice what we have in order to get what we want.

Nowadays, it is difficult to avoid from comparing yourselves with others as everyday you see others' life in social media. However, you can take it as a challenge to improve yourselves rather than talk bad things about them just because you do not have what they have.

Today's Quote: Do not only look at the people who are more fortunate than you but also look at the people who are less fortunate than you. It is good to compare yourself with others but only until certain limit. 

*I have tried to put the top commentator widget but I do not why no one are in the list. If you guys know how to fix this problem, please feel free to leave your comment. I have search for tutorial about it but most of the tutorial already too old and cannot work. Your helps are much appreciated.


  1. Nice Jannah :)

    Top commentator dah tukar URL blog sendiri dan edit sikit2 ?

    1. Dah tukar URL ke blog URL sendiri dengan edit bilangan commentator & exclude myself tapi tak jadi pun. Lepas tu, ada rujuk website lain tapi tak jumpa kat mana untuk tukar URL cuma jumpa untuk tukar bilangan commentator & benda-benda lain.

  2. shu pernah letak top cmmntator tp xnampak. last2 tak buat. hukhuj

    1. Tulah masalahnya. Keluar top commentator je tapi tak nampak pun siapa yang jadi top commentator. Rasanya saya pun macam Kak Shu juga, tak letak top commentator tu haha

  3. ah~ isu klasik especially di kalangan golongan muda... sebab klu dah lebih 30an masih terjebak dengan mentaliti negatif yang suka membanding-bandingkan diri dengan orang yang lebih baik dari segi kewangan, keberaadaan di sesuatu tempat, dll.
    seseorang yang sudah matang tentu tahu membezakan di antara pendapat2 orang sekeliling yang mahu dia berjaya atau kata2 sinis yang dilontarkan kerana rasa cemburu semata. namun bagi mereka yang masih belum matang dan rasa diri masih terlalu kekurangan, banyak2an berdoa dan rasa bersyukur. cara terbaik untuk menepis bisikan2 iblis dan syaitan yang selalu buat kita terleka dan terbawa2 ke budaya membawang~wallahualam

    Myra | The Grey Lines Between

    1. Betul tu, kita harus pandai membezakan yang mana merupakan komen yang ikhlas dan yang mana merupakan komen untuk menjatuhkan kita.

  4. we have to compare ourselves in a good n positive way. in order to improve and grow. cannot compare dari sudut kelebihan lain so that hati always terjaga.

  5. betul tu.. membandingkan kelemahan diri dengan kelebihan orang lain ada baiknya utk memberi semangat kepada kita berjaya seperti orang lain. tapi janganlah sampai ada penyakit hasad dengki..

    1. Semua perkara ada baik dan buruknya. Semuanya bergantung kepada diri kita sendiri macam mana untuk mengendalikan sesuatu situasi.


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