What To Do If You Stuck When Doing Final Year Project?

Final year project (FYP) might be one of the requirements for you to graduate. However, FYP is not something that can be done overnight.  It is really time consuming and needs a lot of sacrifices. Sometimes you may stuck and lack of idea on what you should do. Do not worry. Probably the tips below can help you.

1. Consult your supervisor
When you are doing your FYP, it is very important to keep in touch with your project supervisor. Do not be shy to ask them for suggestions if you stuck. He/she already have a lot experiences in dealing with FYP, so at least you can get some overview on how to proceed. That is why you should properly choose supervisor for your FYP. A supervisor with good chemistry with you will really ease your FYP journey.

2. Ask your seniors
If you think that your problem is not too serious until you need to involve your supervisor or your supervisor does not help much, seniors are the one that you should find. Most of the time seniors are willing to help their juniors provided that you have a good relationship with them. If they cannot help much with your FYP title, at least they can suggest basic things such as sources of research papers, tools to be used and fixing the careless mistakes.

3. Ask your friend with almost the same FYP title
If your friends and you are under the same supervisor, there is higher chance that the projects are about the similar things but in different context. For example, the projects are on genomic comparison but on different organisms. This kind of topic most probably will have the similar workflow. That is why it is crucial for you to know what are your friends' FYP title. All of you can help each other in getting some idea on what to do.

4. Search about your project title on Google
Sometimes there are many research papers that study similar thing like your project especially if your FYP title is not something new in research field. You can read the existing research papers to know how others actually conduct the research. You can also compare your finding with them as a form of validation.

5. Join online forums
If no one ever face the problem similar like you, probably you cannot find the answer from Google search. What you should do is to ask those who are expert and have experiences in the area that you are working on. Online platform such as ResearchGate and Stack Overflow can be used. Just post your question(s) and wait for the replies from others.

6. Ask help from support group
For those who are stuck in using any tools, software or databases, you can always ask help from the support group. Most of the time, they are readily to help you. You can get the contact information from the websites. They might use email or online form as the way of communication.

Hope these six tips are useful and helpful to you. Do not easily give up if you stuck when doing FYP. Always seek for help if you are not able to solve your problem on your own. All the best for your FYP.

Read another entries on FYP:
How to choose supervisor for final year project?
How to choose final year project title?


  1. as for me, if i stuck, i'll get some air then get back to work with regained spirit!

  2. kak pip menangis dulu, adeh. stress la stuck2 final project ni.
    kena reject draf tu jgn cakaplah. eiiii emo la pula.


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