MOTIVATION: How to deal with sadness about exam result?

Hi, guys. This is the first time I write for motivation section in this blog (and it will not be the last time). In this few days, I'm keep thinking of the content for my next entry that can give benefits and inspired my readers. Since now is examination season, I would like to share something that is related to exam results.

Everyone have their own strengths and weaknesses so our achievement also will be different. It can be in different form and different time. Some of us are very lucky because can pass each examination with flying colours while some of us have inconsistent result (sometimes okay, sometimes not). The most sad situation is that when you always get an excellent result but at certain point in your life, it is taken away from you. Sometimes you cannot describe the feeling and you feel that there is no one understand what are you going through right now. However, you cannot continuously being emotional. You have to deal with the sadness and try to improve yourself. 

The first thing that you need to do is self-reflection because it is the way to find the cause of your problem. Try to recall whether you have done something bad to other people or are you too comfortable with your achievements in life. During this period, you need to consider everything that you have done including small things. Do you ever hurt your parents or teachers/lecturers' feeling? Did you really prepare for the examination? Have you been so arrogant with your good achievements? Did you feel grateful and thank to God for all the things that He gave to you? Ask these questions to yourself and I'm sure you will get the answer on how to solve your problem.

As a human, it is normal for us to overlook something. Sometimes we think that it is a small matter but for others it might be a big issue. Hence, try your best not to hurt others' feeling especially your teachers/lecturers or parents' feeling. If you have done something that make them sad or angry, just go meet them and say sorry. You will feel better once you done this.

In term of preparation for examination, every student has their own way to study but is it the method you used suitable for you? One of the biggest mistake did by students is that they are trying to follow the way other people study. If you got do this although you already have your own study method (the one that is suitable with you), you should stop it. You can try to follow the study method used by others but once you find the one that suits you, please just stick with that method. 

Everyone will be happy if they get good result but if you reach certain extent where you like to show off with your  good result, that is what we call arrogant. It is not a wrong thing to share with others about your achievements as long as you do not overdo it. Instead of sharing your achievements without helping others to succeed like you, you should focus more on sharing your knowledge so that all of you can succeed together.

What you always do when you get good result?  Celebrate it with your friends (watch movie, shopping, eat at expensive place)? How many of you thank to God when you get good result? Sometimes getting lesser A or lower CGPA doesn't mean you are not good. It can be a reminder for you so that you won't be too comfortable with your achievements and realize that all of them can be taken away from you in the blink of an eye.

*This sharing is not only for you but it is also a reminder for myself. Lets do self-reflection and try to improve ourselves together.

Today Quote: The test given to you in your life won't be beyond of your capabilities. Don't see the test as a burden for you but focus more on good thing that you will get after the test because every cloud has a silver lining.


  1. Agree with the quote.. Ujian yang diberikan bersesuaian dengan kemampuan.. Pasti ada hikmah utk setiap perkara yang berlaku..


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