MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY: Feeling Unappreciated

Hi guys.
After one month, I come back with Motivational Monday series. I am so sorry to those who are waiting for this series. I hope you still support my blog and all my series. Okay, let's start with our topic today which is feeling unappreciated.

Did you ever feel that people always ignore you? Have you been in a condition where people act seems like you do not exist? Probably, you have been in a situation where you think you are not being appreciated by people around you?

If your answer is yes, you are advisable to read this entry until the end. If your answer is no, do read it also because it might be useful in the future. Usually, you would feel unappreciated when people do not give attention to you or they do not realize what you have done for them.

It is very painful to know that what you have done seems like do not have value to other people's point of view. Do not easily give up when you face this kind of problem.

Bear in mind that there are someone who appreciate you. It is just that you have not meet that person yet or you do not realize the existence of that person in your life. Sometimes we are busy chasing someone's attention until we ignore those who already gave their attention to us.

The most important thing when you feel that you are unappreciated is to think positively. Lets say you spend the whole weekend to prepare a proposal and at the end your team do not use your proposal just because of someone who is suddenly hardworking and did it without you know. You feel like you are wasting your time because other people do not appreciate your effort. Do not feel too stress. You should realized that at least you get new knowledge and experience in completing your task. They might look useless now but who knows if that knowledge and experiences will be useful one day.

If people always reject your opinions or suggestions, it does not mean that they are not good. Probably, people still do not see your potential yet. You may try to give your opinion to others that have interest for it.

Hope you are surrounded with people who appreciate you and at the same time remember to appreciate them too. It is too late if you realize about them after they leave you. You are lucky if you are able to get second chance but not everyone are lucky to get it.

Today's Quote: Why do you want to wait for someone that do not appreciate you if you can get someone who appreciate you without you realize?


  1. Ada juga kadang2. Tapi ambil kira sudut positifnya. Hehe

    1. Betul tu, kita ambil kira sudut yang positif. Yang negatif tu tolak tepi😅.


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