THROWBACK: Sweet Memories in 2018

Hi all my blog readers😊
Since 2018 is going to leave us soon, I would like to throwback some of the things that happen in this year. However, I will only focus on the sweet memories which I want to bring with me in 2019. I want to leave all the bad memories and start 2019 with motivation and the desire to become a better person. So, lets start now.

Started my own blog
I am someone who love to read and write but I never imagine that I will share what I wrote through my own blog. Usually I will just keep what I wrote to myself. Actually one of the reason I started this blog is to learn new skill and obtain new knowledge. Since the competition to get a job is very high nowadays, I realize that I have to do something that makes me different and can add more value to my resume. Besides, blogging serves as a therapy for me to release my stress because I can express what I think and feel. It also gives me an opportunity to share the knowledge that I have with others. I hope that my writing can inspired you and you can spread the positive vibes to others. You can check my first entry to know in more details.

Make new friends
One good thing about blogging is you can make new friends across the world. You can share your opinions with others who have the same interest like you. Thank to those who are willing to be my friends and follow my blog. Kak Sha, Yeaslmn, Shafyqah Azahar, Farhanna Jafri are among the first 10 followers of this blog. There are many other bloggers who are friendly to a new blogger like me but there are too many for me to list them here.

Created Instagram account
I created my first ever Instagram account in December 2018. The main reason is because I want to join a segment which requires me to follow the Instagram account of the organizer. At that time, I just started blogging so I need to work hard in order to increase traffic to my blog. I realize that by joining a segment, I get to know other bloggers and they will know about my blog better. For those who have not follow my Instagram, do follow me at @thewonderfuljannah. 

Blog been reviewed by other blogger
It is a happy moment when I know that there is other blogger who want to review my blog. Thanks to Kak Shu for organizing the segment and reviewing my blog. Her segment is among the first few segments that I joined. Although I have to wait for quite a long time because I joined it a bit late, but I am still happy because Kak Shu was willing to make blog review for all the participants.

Be part of bloglist in other blog
Currently, The Wonderful Jannah is in the bloglist for a few blogs because of the segments that I have joined. Thank you to the bloggers who choose The Wondeful Jannah to be part of their bloglist. I hope that this blog also can have it own bloglist one day.

Win top commentator award
After I started this blog, I realize that comment section is one of a way for us to communicate with other bloggers. Therefore, I always leave a comment if I feel that an entry is interesting. Around last two weeks, I was informed that I am among 12 top commentators at blog Etuza. As an appreciation for the top commentators, the blogger gave us some gift.

Thank you for your support everyone. I hope that I can produce more good quality entries for all of you and we can maintain a good relationship among us. Happy new year.

*I have a gift for the first 10 followers in this blog. I would like to put your blog in my bloglist for 2019 (until I want to update my bloglist). Since only 4 from 10 first followers have a blog, so currently there will be only 4 blogs in the bloglist. 


  1. Kenangan manis untuk tahun 2018 ye Jannah.. Semoga terus berblog..

    1. Tertinggal pula.. Terima kasih bubuh kak sha dalam bloglist Jannah..

  2. Sama-sama😊. Semoga Kak Sha juga terus berblog.

  3. hai Jannah, selamat berblogging. dan semoga 2018 menjadi tahun yang manis untuk di ingati.

  4. Wah banyak kenangan manis 2018 antaranya dalam dunia blogging. Tahniah Jannah. Smoga trus menulis. Terima kasih sudi jadi kawan blogger. Terima kasih sudi letak dalam Bloglist juga. Selamat menyambut tahun baru 2019 Jannah! :)

    1. Sama-sama, Yeaslmn. Terima kasih juga sebab sudi jadi kawan blogger😊.

  5. myra pun suka blogwalking and join segmen blogger tapi tu lah.. sebab susah nak konsisten. jadi harap 2019 ni ada jadual utk kita keep on blogging and sharing and caring for each other. nak balance real life and virtual life ni mmg susah so anggap mcm challenge la kan?

    Myra | The Grey Lines Between

    1. Haah, susah nak seimbangkan. Kadang-kadang banyak komitmen lain yang menyebabkan kita terpaksa lupakan blog buat seketika.

  6. Salam perkenalan. Akak follow sini juga..

    1. Salam perkenalan, Kak Fiza. Terima kasih sudi follow blog ini. Saya akan berkunjung ke blog akak juga.

  7. yang baik kita kenang.. yang x brapa ookay kita jadikan pengajaran =)

    1. Betul tu. Yang tak ok kena jadikan pengajaran supaya kita tak mengulangi kesilapan yang sama.


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